The Misunderstood Donkey: A Tale of Perspective and Positivity

 Once upon a time, in a peaceful village, there lived a hardworking farmer. He had a donkey who was his trusted companion, helping him carry heavy loads to the neighboring village.

Their journey often took them through a winding mountain path. One day, the donkey was laden with a particularly heavy load. To ensure the safety of the donkey and the cargo, the farmer tied a rope around the donkey’s neck.

The donkey, however, felt burdened by the weight and the rope around his neck. He felt unappreciated and decided he no longer wanted to be loyal to the farmer. In his frustration, he began to bray loudly and tried to run away. But the farmer, who was climbing the mountain, held onto the rope.

The donkey, misunderstanding the farmer’s intentions, thought he was being restrained. In a hasty decision, he pulled himself towards the edge of a ditch. The farmer, realizing the danger, let go of the rope to prevent any harm.

Sadly, the donkey, believing everything was against him, fell into the ditch and did not survive.

The moral of the story is: “Always try to see things from a positive perspective. Not everything that happens is against you.”
