The Goatherd and the Wild Goats: A Heartwarming Tale of Fairness and Equality

 Once upon a time, in a magical forest, there lived a kind goatherd and his loyal goats. It was the rainy season, and food in the forest was scarce. Seeing his goats hungry, the goatherd decided to share the lush grass from his own farmland.

As they returned from the forest, they came across a group of wild goats. These goats were hungry too, and seeing the goatherd’s kindness, they decided to join his herd. The goatherd was delighted to have new goats join his family, and he generously offered them a large portion of his farm’s grass, even more than he gave to his old goats.

Days turned into weeks, and the wild goats began to miss their home in the forest. They decided it was time to return. The goatherd, feeling betrayed, asked them why they were leaving after he had been so good to them. But the wild goats had a wise response.

“We appreciate your kindness,” they said, “but we noticed that you gave us more grass than your old goats. If new goats like us come along in the future, you might neglect us like you did with your old goats. That’s not fair, so we’ve decided to return to the forest.”

And so, the wild goats returned to their home, leaving the goatherd with a valuable lesson about fairness and equality. From that day forward, the goatherd treated all his goats equally, ensuring they all received their fair share of grass. And they all lived happily ever after.
